The sun has always been central to my work - sun motifs appear often in my various forms of artwork. To me, the sun represents a source of power, divinity and warmth, however my relationship to the sun isn’t without its complexities.
In December 2023 I was diagnosed with a stage 1 melanoma on my chest. Luckily it was able to be completely removed without need for further treatment, but not everyone is as fortunate.
As an artist, I’ve always been drawn to dualities. The sun embodies them effortlessly. It is giver and taker, healer and harm-bringer. My art reflects this understanding – a celebration of the sun’s beauty, paired with respect for its power.

The sun will always be central to my work. It’s still the light that draws me in, the warmth that inspires me, but now it’s also the shadow that reminds me to look after myself. For me, this balance is where the true beauty lies.
Stage 1 melanoma was a wake-up call, but it wasn’t the end of my relationship with the sun. If anything, it deepened it, and I’m learning to appreciate the shade.
My scar serves as an everyday reminder of how lucky I was to catch it early. A constant reminder that I need to be so careful outside, get skin checks twice a year and never forget to carry sunscreen with me.

The scar, a marker of a moment that changed how I perceive myself. At times, I struggle to see beauty in it - it feels like a flaw, interrupting the canvas of my skin. But I’m learning.
Just as my art explores dualities, I am trying to embrace this scar as part of my story, a symbol of resilience and care. Every time I’m asked about my scar I can bring a little bit of awareness to how important it is to be sun safe every single day.
So, this summer, let this serve as your reminder to:
1. Go and get your skin checked!
2. Wear your SPF everyday, remembering to reapply.
3. Seek shade, where possible.
4. Avoid being out in the sun between 10am-4pm

ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Sunscreen is only one form of sun protection. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and reapply as directed.