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M134 Pointed Paddle Concealer Brush

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"A paddle concealer brush with a pointed tip."

  • The MECCA view

    The Morphe M134 Pointed Paddle Concealer Brush features a sturdy head that flexes. Use its flat, paddle-shaped side to conceal in a single press and its precision tip to apply lines for cleanup around your eyes, nose, or lips.



    If you’re using your brush often, we recommend that you clean it routinely. Cleaning your brush helps extend its life and maintain its truest color payoff, while supporting healthy skin. Here’s how we do it:

    Wet the bristles with warm water and a small amount of mild soap or brush cleanser.

    Gently swirl the bristles on the palm of your hand.

    Rinse the bristles and repeat until the water appears clear.

    Gently squeeze out any excess moisture with your hand or a towel.

    Reshape the bristles, then place the brush flat or upside down to air-dry.

    When needed, clean the handle and ferrule by wiping them with a soft, dry cloth.

    CAUTION: To avoid compromising the brush construction, do not use hot water, wet the brush ferrule, or submerge your brush in water or cleaner.

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